Monday, July 30, 2012

Get Right Get Tight

This segment of the blog will be dedicated to workout plans for the week. I’m a firm believer that if you make a plan and set goals for the week, you are more likely to feel guilty if you miss a workout. Today marks the beginning of MCM Week 7 training!!! This will be the last light week until it is time to start tapering.  LawdadadadadadadadamerCY!!! My plan:

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Total Body Conditioning (am), 3mile run (pm)
Wednesday: 6 mile pace run
Thursday: 5 x 800m repeats (am), Strictly Strength (pm)
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: 9 miles
Sunday: Hill repeats and cycling class

Zero excuses this week!!! #letswork * diddy bops *

What are your plans for the week???

Case of the Monday's

I use to dread Monday’s while training!!! Hal (yes Hal Higdon, marathoner extraordinaire and I are on a first name basis) wanted me to do NOTHING! Not even yoga!!! * faints * 

For the past 5 weeks I’ve been having a case of the Monday’s because I was told to have a seat but as of today, I LOVE Monday’s.  It took 6 weeks for me to realize that I need a day to sleep in, and by sleep in we’re talking 6:30am versus 4:30am! After working out 6 days a week, including 3 2-a-days, I finally realize why Hal wants me to have a seat and I will forever love him for it. 

Today I woke up at 6:30am feeling refreshed. I took my time getting dressed for work and I didn’t even have to pretend to be Carmelita Jeter and sprint for the train to commute to work. Today I strolled to the train platform and enjoyed the breeze. For the first time in weeks I actually enjoyed my Monday morning. 

Today, I actually had a seat and rested my feet. Hal, I salute you.