Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Getting Over That Hump: Post MCM "slump"

I AM A MARATHONER!!! Get into it honey!!! I'm still on my runner's high from completing MCM! I am a member of the 1% club or however many crazies in the world take on the challenge of 26.2!!! 

Since finishing MCM, I really would like to maintain my level of fitness and take it to the next level. Who doesn't like a good CHALLENGE?!?!?! Before I even started training for MCM I signed up to do Disney's Goofy Challenge. Yes I am crazy but I thought it would be a good way to stay motivated during these cold Fall and Winter months!!! 

I plan to continue to train by completing hella upcoming races in prep for the big 39.3 (Goofy) and that's the best way for me to stay motivated and moving. Here's the race agenda for the remainder of the year through January 2013: 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Getting Back On The Horse

Last week I did not do anything. I rested my legs. I slept in. No alarms were set for 5am. I did absolutely nothing until Friday and I was guilt free about it! My legs felt great after cycling last Friday and my 6 mile run Saturday. I'm still taking it easy so this week I'm going to focus on cross-training more so than running. 

M: Cycling 

T: Total Body Conditioning 

W: Nice and easy 6 mile run 

Tr: Functional Interval Training 

F: 3 mile run and Vinyasa Flow Yoga

S: Hot Vinyasa Yoga 

Sy: Running a Metric Marathon. 16miles but I'm going to take it easy and just enjoy the run. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Music Monday #MM

This is one of my favorite songs off the album! #getintoit

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Post-Marathon Training *YIKES*

Soooooo, I ran a marathon on Sunday. *faints* I'm recovering but I'm ready to workout. After 5 months of non-stop exercise, these recovery days off are getting to me! Here's the plan to get back out on the pavement and to the gym this week:

M: Rest

T: Rest, leisurely walk around the block 

W: Rest, walk

Tr: 2 mile recovery easy run 

F: Cycle 

S: 3 mile easy run and massage

Sy: 6 mile easy run and maybe yoga