I AM A MARATHONER!!! Get into it honey!!! I'm still on my runner's high from completing MCM! I am a member of the 1% club or however many crazies in the world take on the challenge of 26.2!!!
Since finishing MCM, I really would like to maintain my level of fitness and take it to the next level. Who doesn't like a good CHALLENGE?!?!?! Before I even started training for MCM I signed up to do Disney's Goofy Challenge. Yes I am crazy but I thought it would be a good way to stay motivated during these cold Fall and Winter months!!!
I plan to continue to train by completing hella upcoming races in prep for the big 39.3 (Goofy) and that's the best way for me to stay motivated and moving. Here's the race agenda for the remainder of the year through January 2013:
Nov. 18: Zoo Zoom 5 miler
Nov. 22: Gobble Cobble Turkey Trot 4 miler
Dec. 15: Celtic Solstice 5 miler
January 12-13: Walt Disney World Goofy Challenge 39.3 miler