I was soooooo over this run Friday night, but I laid out my stuff to roll my ass out of bed at 4:20am on Saturday, to meet the crew at 5:15am. When my alarm went off, I swear I had no idea where I was and why my alarm was going off so damn early on a Saturday. It hit me when I was about to hit snooze that in fact it was long run Saturday and that the pile of stuff at the end of my bed is what I needed, to get out of the door. Did I mention how over it I was at this point?
Well on my way to meet the crew, I received a text message from Sister Bernice, to turn on the radio because our jam was on. I instantly got hype when I heard my man Ye say "bow on arrival." After hearing my jam, I was somewhat up and ready to kickstart my run. Here's what I learned:
1) Ain't nobody fresher than my clique! My marathon crew is the BUSINESS honey! They are too live at the crack of dawn and that's what you need to get motivated to hit the pavement when you're not in the mood. Always a good time with these ladies.
2) My marathon crew is crazy! Only Sister Odell would have us run the Dreaded Druid Hill Route at 6:18am before the sun rises. Good thing Sister Bernice had her headlamp. We were so terrified we ran part of the hills with are arms locked together since we were terrified of what was hiding in the woods. Mind you, the zoo animals are gated in part of the area we were running. SMH!!!
3) It was a nice and easy run. We had no expectations going into this run and we had a ball! We chatted and laughed the entire time. With all this training and trying to hit every goal over the last couple of months, it felt really good to be reminded of why I LOVE to run and why I LOVE running with the crew. Good times.
4) Fall weather is fabulous for running. Even though I was still a salty mess, I didn't feel sticky and in dire need of a shower when we finished. Anybody training throughout the summer can appreciate my sentiments.
5) Vegan pancakes with smokey maple tempeh bacon drenched in syrup is the greatest breakfast of all time!
*next week is the last official long run before the taper begins. 22 miles of fun. Stay tuned*