Saturday, September 22, 2012

Long Run Report: We Ready! #20miles

WOO CHIIIIIIIIIIILE! Banked 20 miles today along the Baltimore Run Festival preview route. When I finished running, this is how I felt despite looking a salty mess literally! 

Here's what I learned from today's run:

1. I'm ready. The theme of today's run is this intro

2. A year makes a difference. I ran part of this route last year and I felt every hill and felt like passing out. This year, not so much. I took on those hills like it was nothing. I found myself knowing I was on the hill but didn't feel the hill. Yeah I'm feeling myself. 

3. I love running Baltimore. The crowd support even on a training run is amazing. Within the first mile construction workers were clapping and cheering from their post. Along the route there were so many cheers from the community ranging from, "Go get 'em," "looking strong and keep it up" to "looking good." Baltimore gets a  lot of negative press but we are more than the Wire. 

4. I am one salty runner. My face was sooooo crusty *sigh* #thedefinitionofstruggle 

5. Waffles are the best thing for a pre-run snack. I ate a plain toasted vegan apple cinnamon waffle on the way to the route. Usually I get hungry by mile 6 but today, not so much. That waffle held me down. #salute 

6. Cliff Shot Bloks are like crack. I LOVE the fruit punch flavor. I force myself to wait till at least mile 13 before I have one. Today I waited till around mile 15 to pop 2 and then when I got to mile 18 I popped one more. These are the best energy gels on the market! #thankmelater

7. Bladder is under control. I was so worried about having to go to the bathroom on this route because it was 20 miles and hydrating is key but I was good. No "spot a pots" for me! 

8. I get spurts of energy to pick up the speed after mile 13. Each spurt lasts for about .25 miles. It is the weirdest thing to me. I think I may zone out and end up picking up the speed and then I realize that I'm going too fast so I chill out. 

9. 13 miles is a breeze now.  At 15 I feel good. After 18 is when i start to feel it and the race begins. I banked 20. The next 6.2 will be a surprise party that I'm ready for. 

10. Training is the hardest part. 5 months of training for 1 day. Racing will be easy. 

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