1. Fall has arrived. Leaves are already changing colors and falling. Where did Summer go?
2. My mental is strong. I wanted to stop after 2.5 miles but I refused to quit. I wanted to stop after 5 miles but I refused to quit. When I ran out of water around the 10 mile mark, I wanted to use that as an excuse to stop. At each point I told myself to push through the bs and get it done.
3. 9 weeks to go! Time to reevaluate goals and make sure I am on track with training. I need to note my strengths and weaknesses and finesse my plan to meet my needs.
4. Music is a great distraction. By mile 5 I was so over this run and I had to turn up the tunes. "Good Feeling" by Flo Rida is my go to pump up song.
5. I need to listen to my gut. I was not feeling this run. I should've waited to run on another day or even later in the day. Sometimes, even when there is a schedule to be followed, it is best to just go with the flow instead.
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