Thursday, August 2, 2012

They Sleep. We Run.

My wake up call on any given day except Monday’s and Sunday’s is 4:45am. Yes you read that correctly! EVEN ON WEEKENDS! While you are rolling over in your pool of drool, I am lacing up my sneaks and making sure my Nike+ GPS watch has enough battery power to track my mileage and pace. 

The quote “They Sleep. We Run”, is my motto to get me out of the bed. I have set a goal and made a plan to get there but LAWDadadadadadadamerCY training is kicking my ass! I need to learn to balance marathon training with life. Lately, the two have not been coinciding with each other. If it wasn’t for Babe (my boyfriend) and my best running friend (BRF), I would not have started my training for the week.

Tuesday’s are my hardest days because my sleep schedule is off since I like to sleep in on my rest day (Monday). Tuesday I did not wake up and I paid the price for it. I was suppose to run after work but my stomach was doing back flips and of course when I was driving home from work, here comes the BRF saying that it feels great outside and I should be running. Insert *side eye* I WAS SO OVER IT AND HER. Earlier, Babe told me that I should just go to bed when I got home since my stomach was bothering me but when I got home he seemed to turn on me too and said I should go for a run. Insert *side eye* I WAS SO OVER HIM.  

Since they double-teamed me, I got dressed and headed out to run and it started raining. The LAWD got jokes. I guess he wanted to test my discipline. All I could do was laugh and get started.  Tuesday’s workout definitely set the tone for Wednesday and Thursday. *sigh*

The lesson for this week of training is to push through whatever mental barrier that is blocking my success. Easier said than done. 

1 comment:

  1. This was truly inspirational. I have been taking time off from the gym with plenty of excuses but now I feel like I just need to push my mental and everything is gonna be alright!
